Sic Semper in TVTropes

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Sic Semper is an RPG campaign pretending to be a low-budget science fiction TV series. It premiered in fall 2009 and ran for five seasons of nine episodes each.

It's about four people from year 2009 stuck in a prison colony called Coventry ... no.

It's about escaping a multidimensional prison colony ... not that either.

It's about a larger than usual Ragtag Bunch Of Misfits from alternate Universes, trying to find their way home while fighting working for a powerful interdimensional corporation which has used to keep them imprisoned them for reasons of its own.

At the end of Season 5, the producers decided not to renew the series for a sixth season, citing falling ratings and wanting to end on a high note. The last season wrapped most things up in a satisfying manner, yet left the door open for a possible continuation in some form at some time.

This series provides examples of

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