Revision history for Tropes

Revision [2623]

Last edited on 2013-06-04 09:00:57 by AdminDare [Ending of campaign added]
Sic Semper is an RPG campaign pretending to be a low-budget science fiction TV series. It premiered in fall 2009 and ran for five seasons of nine episodes each.
At the end of Season 5, the producers decided not to renew the series for a sixth season, citing falling ratings and wanting to end on a high note. The last season wrapped most things up in a satisfying manner, yet left the door open for a possible continuation in some form at some time.
Sic Semper is an RPG campaign pretending to be a low-budget science fiction TV series. It premiered in fall 2009 and is currently in its fifth season.
That is, until it becomes something else again.

Revision [2582]

Edited on 2013-02-09 12:41:22 by AdminDare [Updated]
Sic Semper is an RPG campaign pretending to be a low-budget science fiction TV series. It premiered in fall 2009 and is currently in its fifth season.
Sic Semper is an RPG campaign pretending to be a low-budget science fiction TV series. It premiered in fall 2009 and is currently in its fourth season.

Revision [2581]

Edited on 2013-02-09 12:40:22 by AdminDare [Updated]
- {{tvt name="BatmanGambit"}}: Akiko's plan to return home.

Revision [2580]

Edited on 2013-02-09 12:34:49 by AdminDare [Updated]
- Also, [[SicSemper041| Episode 41]], with {{color text="Akiko's scheme being revealed." c="white"}}
- Also, [[SicSemper041| Episode 41]], with {{color text="Akiko's scheme being revealed" c="white"}

Revision [2579]

Edited on 2013-02-09 12:33:11 by AdminDare [Updated]
- As of Season 5, Akiko.
- {{tvt name="GodwinsLawOfTimeTravel"}}: Finally invoked at the end of Season 3, and got more exploration in Season 4.
- {{tvt name="HeelFaceTurn"}}: Played with. Did Irina Mialewski just side with the Coventryans? Or did Darya, Hilde and Julien defect to the side of their former enemy? How about Gombei and Akiko?
- {{tvt name="PenalColony"}}: Coventry, the original settlement.
- {{tvt name="StockholmSyndrome"}}: It turns out that {{color text="Mialewski and her guard / interrogator Akiko became lovers." c="white"}}
- Also, [[SicSemper041| Episode 41]], with {{color text="Akiko's scheme being revealed" c="white"}
- {{tvt name="GodwinsLawOfTimeTravel"}}: Finally invoked at the end of Season 3, and seems to be getting more exploration in Season 4.
- {{tvt name="HeelFaceTurn"}}: Played with. Did Irina Mialewski just side with the Coventryans? Or did Darya, Hilde and Julien defect to the side of their former enemy?
- {{tvt name="PenalColony"}}: Coventry. Maybe. Nobody really knows for sure, but this seems to be the leading theory
- {{tvt name="StockholmSyndrome"}}: It is implied that {{color text="Mialewski and her guard / interrogator Akiko became lovers." c="white"}}

Revision [2536]

Edited on 2012-10-13 12:15:30 by AdminDare [Updated]
- {{tvt name="YoungFutureFamousPeople"}}: Turns out Emanuel is at least [[| semi-famous]]. As a twist on this, Darya is this to Homeliners, though not to the viewers.
- {{tvt name="YoungFutureFamousPeople"}}: Turns out Emanuel is at least [[| semi-famous]]. As a twist on this, Darya is this to people of Infinity's home world.

Revision [2535]

Edited on 2012-10-13 12:14:27 by AdminDare [Updated]
- {{tvt name="YoungFutureFamousPeople"}}: Turns out Emanuel is at least [[| semi-famous]]. As a twist on this, Darya is this to people of Infinity's home world.
- {{tvt name="YoungFutureFamousPeople"}}: Turns out Emanuel is at least [[| semi-famous]].

Revision [2534]

Edited on 2012-10-13 12:13:18 by AdminDare [Updated]
- {{tvt name="HistoricalDomainCharacter"}}: Including, for instance, Genghis Khan, {{color text="who is promptly dispatched with a drone strike" c="white"}}. Maybe he should have called himself {{tvt name="HitlersTimeTravelExemptionAct" text="Hitler"}}.
- {{tvt name="HistoricalDomainCharacter"}}: Including, for instance, Genghis Khan, {{color text="who is promptly dispatched with a drone strike" c="white"}}. Maybe he should have called himself Hitler.

Revision [2533]

Edited on 2012-10-13 12:12:08 by AdminDare [Updated]
- {{tvt name="HistoricalDomainCharacter"}}: Including, for instance, Genghis Khan, {{color text="who is promptly dispatched with a drone strike" c="white"}}. Maybe he should have called himself Hitler.
- {{tvt name="HistoricalDomainCharacter"}}: Including, for instance, Genghis Khan, who is promptly dispatched with a drone strike. Obviously {{tvt name="HitlersTimeTravelExemptionAct"}} does not save him.

Revision [2532]

Edited on 2012-10-13 12:10:27 by AdminDare [Updated]
- {{tvt name="HistoricalDomainCharacter"}}: Including, for instance, Genghis Khan, who is promptly dispatched with a drone strike. Obviously {{tvt name="HitlersTimeTravelExemptionAct"}} does not save him.
- {{tvt name="TheHorde"}}: Mongols, who else?

Revision [2478]

Edited on 2012-08-16 08:56:19 by AdminDare [Updated]
- {{tvt name="Dystopia"}}: [[WeltVaterland| Welt Vaterland (Reich-5)]], naturally. (It might be a {{tvt name="CrapsaccharineWorld"}} if the swastikas weren't a bit of a giveaway.)
- {{tvt name="FantasticRacism"}}: It is claimed that Homeliners see people from other timelines as inferior beings.
- {{tvt name="ReasonableAuthorityFigure"}}: Tadena Aguina listens to Coventryans' complaints and actually manages to get Infinity to start negotiating with them instead of treating them like dangerous subhuman criminals.
- {{tvt name="Dystopia"}}: [[WeltVaterland| Welt Vaterland]], naturally. (It might be a {{tvt name="CrapsaccharineWorld"}} if the swastikas weren't a bit of a giveaway.)

Revision [2477]

Edited on 2012-08-16 08:43:50 by AdminDare [Updated]
It's about a larger than usual {{tvt name="RagtagBunchOfMisfits"}} from {{tvt name="AlternateHistory" text="alternate Universes"}}, trying to find their way home while ++fighting++ working for a powerful interdimensional corporation which ++has++ used to keep them imprisoned them for reasons of its own.
It's about a larger than usual {{tvt name="RagtagBunchOfMisfits"}} from {{tvt name="AlternateHistory" text="alternate Universes"}}, trying to find their way home while fighting a powerful interdimensional corporation which has imprisoned them for reasons of its own.

Revision [2476]

Edited on 2012-08-15 15:21:38 by AdminDare [Updated]
- {{tvt name="HeelFaceTurn"}}: Played with. Did Irina Mialewski just side with the Coventryans? Or did Darya, Hilde and Julien defect to the side of their former enemy?
- {{tvt name="HeelFaceTurn"}}: Played with. Did an Infinity soldier just become a main character? Or did the main characters just defect to the side of their former enemy?

Revision [2475]

Edited on 2012-08-15 15:20:48 by AdminDare [Updated]
- {{tvt name="GodwinsLawOfTimeTravel"}}: Finally invoked at the end of Season 3, and seems to be getting more exploration in Season 4.
- {{tvt name="HeelFaceTurn"}}: Played with. Did an Infinity soldier just become a main character? Or did the main characters just defect to the side of their former enemy?
- {{tvt name="GodwinsLawOfTimeTravel"}}: Finally invoked at the end of Season 3, and seems to be getting more exploration in Season 4.

Revision [2474]

Edited on 2012-08-15 15:18:41 by AdminDare [Updated]
- {{tvt name="FailureIsTheOnlyOption"}}: Even though some Coventryans have actually found their way home in seasons 4 and 5, you can bet that none of the main characters are going to be so lucky. ({{tvt name="OrIsIt" text="Or can you?"}})
- {{tvt name="FailureIsTheOnlyOption"}}: Even though some Coventryans have actually found their way home in seasons 4 and 5, you can bet that none of the main characters are going to be so lucky. ({{tvt name="OrIsIt" text="Or can you"?)

Revision [2473]

Edited on 2012-08-15 15:18:14 by AdminDare [Updated]
- {{tvt name="FailureIsTheOnlyOption"}}: Even though some Coventryans have actually found their way home in seasons 4 and 5, you can bet that none of the main characters are going to be so lucky. ({{tvt name="OrIsIt" text="Or can you"?)
- {{tvt name="FailureIsTheOnlyOption"}}: Even though some Coventryans have actually found their way home in seasons 4 and 5, you can bet that none of the main characters are going to be so lucky. ({{tvt name="OrIsIt" text="Or can you?")

Revision [2472]

Edited on 2012-08-15 15:18:00 by AdminDare [Updated]
- {{tvt name="FailureIsTheOnlyOption"}}: Even though some Coventryans have actually found their way home in seasons 4 and 5, you can bet that none of the main characters are going to be so lucky. ({{tvt name="OrIsIt" text="Or can you?")

Revision [2305]

Edited on 2012-05-05 16:23:00 by AdminDare [Updated]
- {{tvt name="OffscreenMomentOfAwesome"}}: The assault on Piao Qi in [[SicSemper035| episode 35]].

Revision [2141]

Edited on 2012-01-13 13:28:51 by AdminDare [Tropeja lisätty.]
- {{tvt name="StockholmSyndrome"}}: It is implied that {{color text="Mialewski and her guard / interrogator Akiko became lovers." c="white"}}
- {{tvt name="TakeAThirdOption"}}: Ayela does not accept that killing or imprisoning Mialewski are the only ways of dealing with her. Unfortunately, it doesn't work quite as smoothly as planned.

Revision [2124]

Edited on 2011-12-30 15:04:03 by AdminDare [Tropeja lisätty.]
- {{tvt name="IJustShotMarvinInTheFace"}}: Pat O'Shea does not understand gun safety.

Revision [2058]

Edited on 2011-10-14 16:06:03 by AdminDare [Tropeja lisätty.]
- {{tvt name="YoungFutureFamousPeople"}}: Turns out Emanuel is at least [[| semi-famous]].

Revision [2055]

Edited on 2011-10-12 19:08:12 by AdminDare [Tropeja lisätty.]
- {{tvt name="ActionGirl"}}: Jumapii. Although she was more of an Action Woman at 45. After her death, Hilde seems to be taking her place as the resident female badass.
- {{tvt name="Dystopia"}}: [[WeltVaterland| Welt Vaterland]], naturally. (It might be a {{tvt name="CrapsaccharineWorld"}} if the swastikas weren't a bit of a giveaway.)
- {{tvt name="ActionGirl"}}: Jumapii. Although she's more of an Action Woman at 45.
- {{tvt name="Dystopia"}}: [[WeltVaterland| Welt Vaterland]], naturally. (It might be a {{tvt name="CrapsaccharineWorld"}} if it weren't for the swastika flags giving it away.)

Revision [2054]

Edited on 2011-10-12 19:01:11 by AdminDare [Tropeja lisätty.]
- {{tvt name="Dystopia"}}: [[WeltVaterland| Welt Vaterland]], naturally. (It might be a {{tvt name="CrapsaccharineWorld"}} if it weren't for the swastika flags giving it away.)
- {{tvt name="LoadsAndLoadsOfCharacters"}}: You will need a scorecard to keep all the characters straight. (Fortunately, [[Evakuoidut| there is one]].)
- {{tvt name="Dystopia"}}: [[WeltVaterland| Welt Vaterland]], so very much.
- {{tvt name="LoadsAndLoadsOfCharacters"}}: You will need a scorecard to keep all the characters straight.

Revision [2038]

Edited on 2011-10-11 19:54:00 by AdminDare [Tropeja lisätty.]
Sic Semper is an RPG campaign pretending to be a low-budget science fiction TV series. It premiered in fall 2009 and is currently in its fourth season.
- {{tvt name="Dystopia"}}: [[WeltVaterland| Welt Vaterland]], so very much.
- {{tvt name="ThoseWackyNazis"}}: Dietlinde Janz and the rest of Rabedivision. Also including {{tvt name="StupidJetpackHitler"}}.
Sic Semper is an RPG campaign pretending to be a low-budget science fiction TV series. It premiered in fall 2009 and is currently in its third season.
- {{tvt name="ThoseWackyNazis"}}: {{color text="Dietlinde Janz and the rest of Rabedivision." c="white"}}

Revision [2025]

Edited on 2011-09-18 11:11:29 by AdminDare [More tropes]
- {{tvt name="ActualPacifist"}}: Ayela. She has gone as far as threaten Gao Chun with a gun, but it's uncertain if she'd ever have fired. Although her {{tvt name="CharacterDevelopment"}} seems to be causing her to shed some of her principles.
- As a way of balancing the scales, in [[SicSemper027| episode 27]] a lot of really white dudes were killed first.
- {{tvt name="DisproportionateRetribution"}}: Discover something Infinity would like to keep secret, no matter how minor? You get sterilization, a memory wipe and a ticket to a primitive tropical village for the rest of your life!
- {{tvt name="EternalEnglish"}}: The characters have way too few difficulties with languages. Most of the time people several hundred years from each other speaking roughly the same language can understand each other well enough. Handwaved with the "Coventry pidgin" that everyone in the village will learn sooner or later.
- {{tvt name="GodwinsLawOfTimeTravel"}}: Finally invoked at the end of Season 3, and seems to be getting more exploration in Season 4.
- {{tvt name="ActualPacifist"}}: Ayela. She has gone as far as threaten Gao Chun with a gun, but it's uncertain if she'd ever have fired.
- {{tvt name="DisproportionateRetribution"}}: Discover something Infinity would like to keep secret, no matter how minor? You get sterilization, a memory wipe and a ticket to a primitive tropical village for the rest of your life!

Revision [1948]

Edited on 2011-08-31 13:46:34 by AdminDare [More tropes]
- {{tvt name="SomedayThisWillComeInHandy"}}: Carefully examining the time machine way back in [[SicSemper001| "Echo Surveillance"]] is what makes it possible for Darya to operate one in [[SicSemper015| "Trust"]], nearly two seasons later.
- {{tvt name="ThoseWackyNazis"}}: {{color text="Dietlinde Janz and the rest of Rabedivision." c="white"}}
- {{tvt name="SomedayThisWillComeInHandy"}}: Carefully examining the time machine way back in [[SicSemper001| "Echo Surveillance"]] is what makes it possible for Darya to operate one in [[SicSemper015| "Trust"]], nearly two seasons later.

Revision [1885]

Edited on 2011-07-16 17:09:06 by AdminDare [More tropes]
>>Sorry, this page is no longer editable by fans -- too many spambots.>>
>>You're welcome to edit this page. Yes, this means you.>>

Revision [1884]

Edited on 2011-07-16 17:08:19 by AdminDare [More tropes]
====Sic Semper in [[http://| TVTropes]]====

>>You're welcome to edit this page. Yes, this means you.>>

Sic Semper is an RPG campaign pretending to be a low-budget science fiction TV series. It premiered in fall 2009 and is currently in its third season.

++It's about four people from year 2009 stuck in a prison colony called Coventry++ ... {{tvt name="LyingCreator" text="no."}}

++It's about escaping a multidimensional prison colony++ ... {{tvt name="ReTool" text="not that either."}}

It's about a larger than usual {{tvt name="RagtagBunchOfMisfits"}} from {{tvt name="AlternateHistory" text="alternate Universes"}}, trying to find their way home while fighting a powerful interdimensional corporation which has imprisoned them for reasons of its own.

That is, until it becomes something else again.


This series provides examples of

- {{tvt name="ActionGirl"}}: Jumapii. Although she's more of an Action Woman at 45.
- {{tvt name="ActionSurvivor"}}: Most main characters until Season 3, when the main cast is joined by Giovanni, a {{tvt name="WickedCultured"}} {{tvt name="Assassin"}}, and Mily, a near-{{tvt name="CrazyPrepared"}} {{tvt name="DisasterScavengers" text="Disaster Scavenger"}}.
- {{tvt name="ActualPacifist"}}: Ayela. She has gone as far as threaten Gao Chun with a gun, but it's uncertain if she'd ever have fired.
- {{tvt name="Anyone Can Die"}}: For a series that started out with very little violence, the body count sure has gone up since the end of Season 1. Now that they're even killing off main characters, who knows where it will end?
- {{tvt name="BlackDudeDiesFirst"}}: Whenever there's a battle, this trope seems to work. Jacques Artha in [[SicSemper009| episode 9]], Myo Obadele in [[SicSemper016| episode 16]], Matthau Bankole in [[SicSemper023| episode 23]]. Of course there are a lot of black people in the series but still. Interestingly, Leonid has been responsible for all these deaths (ordering the attack on Jacques Artha, sending Myo Obadele to his death, and leading the group where Matthau Bankole was shot).
- {{tvt name="BloodierAndGorier"}}: Since getting out of Coventry, things have been getting more and more violent.
- {{tvt name="CampGay"}}: Walter Huggel, whiny hairdresser
- {{tvt name="Chessmaster"}}: Everything that happens, happens because Mizida has planned it to happen. Except maybe {{color text="not managing to be on the first conveyor off Coventry" c="white"}}, and seeing how season 3 is turning out so far, maybe even that.
- {{tvt name="CompleteMonster"}}: Tukulti-Ninib is implied to have been this.
- {{tvt name="DidNotDoTheResearch"}}: Happens occasionally. Do not watch this for advice on how to survive a shipwreck or make bombs.
- {{tvt name="DisasterScavengers"}}: Schatzgräbers make their living in the ruined cities of Europe. Their timeline is not a happy place.
- {{tvt name="DisproportionateRetribution"}}: Discover something Infinity would like to keep secret, no matter how minor? You get sterilization, a memory wipe and a ticket to a primitive tropical village for the rest of your life!
- {{tvt name="FishOutOfTemporalWater" text="A School Of Fish Out Of Temporal Waters"}}: Pretty much the whole point.
- {{tvt name="Flashback"}}: Common in Season 1, not so common any more.
- {{tvt name="HideYourChildren"}}: Coventry had no children at all, since the people in it had been sterilized. Starting from season 3, we have seen some children.
- {{tvt name="Infodump"}}: The characters finding out stuff about Infinity tends to result in one of these.
- {{tvt name="LoadsAndLoadsOfCharacters"}}: You will need a scorecard to keep all the characters straight.
- {{tvt name="MechanicalMonster"}}: Tigris Mk II tiger-robot, complete with minigun and six legs.
- {{tvt name="MegaCorp"}}: Infinity Unlimited, apparently.
- {{tvt name="TheMultiverse"}}: All the parallel realities. So far we've only seen a few, but several dozen have been mentioned. These are all Alternate Histories, some more so than others.
- {{tvt name="NationalStereotypes"}}: Some averted, some subverted, many played very straight. Especially the Persians.
- {{tvt name="PenalColony"}}: Coventry. Maybe. Nobody really knows for sure, but this seems to be the leading theory
- {{tvt name="ReluctantRuler"}}: Julien and possibly Ayela too.
- {{tvt name="Retirony"}}: What do you expect to happen after the characters spend five minutes reminiscing about things they miss back home?
- {{tvt name="ReTool"}}: Every season so far has been completely different from the previous one. This is an intentional attempt by the producer to keep the series from getting stuck in a rut. {{tvt name="StatusQuoIsGod" text="Status Quo is definitely not god here."}}
- {{tvt name="SomedayThisWillComeInHandy"}}: Carefully examining the time machine way back in [[SicSemper001| "Echo Surveillance"]] is what makes it possible for Darya to operate one in [[SicSemper015| "Trust"]], nearly two seasons later.
- {{tvt name="ViewersAreGeniuses"}}: Some of the episodes are so densely written it's as if they're only meant to be understandable for the authors themselves
- {{tvt name="WhamEpisode"}}: [[SicSemper023| Episode 23]]. They killed {{color text="Leonid!" c="white"}} The bastards!
- {{tvt name="WouldntHitAGirl"}}: Even Giovanni, an immoral assassin who likes torture, has some standards.
- {{tvt name="WrenchWench"}}: Clavia
- {{tvt name="XanatosSpeedChess"}}: Leonid was a master of this.
- {{tvt name="YellowPeril"}}: Gao Chun, an inscrutable criminal mastermind / rebel leader

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Revision [1883]

Edited on 2011-07-16 04:45:52 by [OQyGzimMlEGxMIjoOL]
<a href="">ultram</a> rkwbek <a href="">ultram</a> %]]
<a href="">viagra</a> >:P <a href="">order viagra</a> pnhjp

Revision [1882]

Edited on 2011-07-16 04:45:52 by… [eAnuuqbpEuEwfP]
<a href="">viagra</a> >:P <a href="">order viagra</a> pnhjp
====Sic Semper in [[http://| TVTropes]]====

>>You're welcome to edit this page. Yes, this means you.>>

Sic Semper is an RPG campaign pretending to be a low-budget science fiction TV series. It premiered in fall 2009 and is currently in its third season.

++It's about four people from year 2009 stuck in a prison colony called Coventry++ ... {{tvt name="LyingCreator" text="no."}}

++It's about escaping a multidimensional prison colony++ ... {{tvt name="ReTool" text="not that either."}}

It's about a larger than usual {{tvt name="RagtagBunchOfMisfits"}} from {{tvt name="AlternateHistory" text="alternate Universes"}}, trying to find their way home while fighting a powerful interdimensional corporation which has imprisoned them for reasons of its own.

That is, until it becomes something else again.


This series provides examples of

- {{tvt name="ActionGirl"}}: Jumapii. Although she's more of an Action Woman at 45.
- {{tvt name="ActionSurvivor"}}: Most main characters until Season 3, when the main cast is joined by Giovanni, a {{tvt name="WickedCultured"}} {{tvt name="Assassin"}}, and Mily, a near-{{tvt name="CrazyPrepared"}} {{tvt name="DisasterScavengers" text="Disaster Scavenger"}}.
- {{tvt name="ActualPacifist"}}: Ayela. She has gone as far as threaten Gao Chun with a gun, but it's uncertain if she'd ever have fired.
- {{tvt name="Anyone Can Die"}}: For a series that started out with very little violence, the body count sure has gone up since the end of Season 1. Now that they're even killing off main characters, who knows where it will end?
- {{tvt name="BlackDudeDiesFirst"}}: Whenever there's a battle, this trope seems to work. Jacques Artha in [[SicSemper009| episode 9]], Myo Obadele in [[SicSemper016| episode 16]], Matthau Bankole in [[SicSemper023| episode 23]]. Of course there are a lot of black people in the series but still. Interestingly, Leonid has been responsible for all these deaths (ordering the attack on Jacques Artha, sending Myo Obadele to his death, and leading the group where Matthau Bankole was shot).
- {{tvt name="BloodierAndGorier"}}: Since getting out of Coventry, things have been getting more and more violent.
- {{tvt name="CampGay"}}: Walter Huggel, whiny hairdresser
- {{tvt name="Chessmaster"}}: Everything that happens, happens because Mizida has planned it to happen. Except maybe {{color text="not managing to be on the first conveyor off Coventry" c="white"}}, and seeing how season 3 is turning out so far, maybe even that.
- {{tvt name="CompleteMonster"}}: Tukulti-Ninib is implied to have been this.
- {{tvt name="DidNotDoTheResearch"}}: Happens occasionally. Do not watch this for advice on how to survive a shipwreck or make bombs.
- {{tvt name="DisasterScavengers"}}: Schatzgräbers make their living in the ruined cities of Europe. Their timeline is not a happy place.
- {{tvt name="DisproportionateRetribution"}}: Discover something Infinity would like to keep secret, no matter how minor? You get sterilization, a memory wipe and a ticket to a primitive tropical village for the rest of your life!
- {{tvt name="FishOutOfTemporalWater" text="A School Of Fish Out Of Temporal Waters"}}: Pretty much the whole point.
- {{tvt name="Flashback"}}: Common in Season 1, not so common any more.
- {{tvt name="HideYourChildren"}}: Coventry had no children at all, since the people in it had been sterilized. Starting from season 3, we have seen some children.
- {{tvt name="Infodump"}}: The characters finding out stuff about Infinity tends to result in one of these.
- {{tvt name="LoadsAndLoadsOfCharacters"}}: You will need a scorecard to keep all the characters straight.
- {{tvt name="MechanicalMonster"}}: Tigris Mk II tiger-robot, complete with minigun and six legs.
- {{tvt name="MegaCorp"}}: Infinity Unlimited, apparently.
- {{tvt name="TheMultiverse"}}: All the parallel realities. So far we've only seen a few, but several dozen have been mentioned. These are all Alternate Histories, some more so than others.
- {{tvt name="NationalStereotypes"}}: Some averted, some subverted, many played very straight. Especially the Persians.
- {{tvt name="PenalColony"}}: Coventry. Maybe. Nobody really knows for sure, but this seems to be the leading theory
- {{tvt name="ReluctantRuler"}}: Julien and possibly Ayela too.
- {{tvt name="Retirony"}}: What do you expect to happen after the characters spend five minutes reminiscing about things they miss back home?
- {{tvt name="ReTool"}}: Every season so far has been completely different from the previous one. This is an intentional attempt by the producer to keep the series from getting stuck in a rut. {{tvt name="StatusQuoIsGod" text="Status Quo is definitely not god here."}}
- {{tvt name="SomedayThisWillComeInHandy"}}: Carefully examining the time machine way back in [[SicSemper001| "Echo Surveillance"]] is what makes it possible for Darya to operate one in [[SicSemper015| "Trust"]], nearly two seasons later.
- {{tvt name="ViewersAreGeniuses"}}: Some of the episodes are so densely written it's as if they're only meant to be understandable for the authors themselves
- {{tvt name="WhamEpisode"}}: [[SicSemper023| Episode 23]]. They killed {{color text="Leonid!" c="white"}} The bastards!
- {{tvt name="WouldntHitAGirl"}}: Even Giovanni, an immoral assassin who likes torture, has some standards.
- {{tvt name="WrenchWench"}}: Clavia
- {{tvt name="XanatosSpeedChess"}}: Leonid was a master of this.
- {{tvt name="YellowPeril"}}: Gao Chun, an inscrutable criminal mastermind / rebel leader


Revision [1881]

Edited on 2011-07-14 16:38:55 by AdminDare [eAnuuqbpEuEwfP]
====Sic Semper in [[http://| TVTropes]]====

>>You're welcome to edit this page. Yes, this means you.>>

Sic Semper is an RPG campaign pretending to be a low-budget science fiction TV series. It premiered in fall 2009 and is currently in its third season.

++It's about four people from year 2009 stuck in a prison colony called Coventry++ ... {{tvt name="LyingCreator" text="no."}}

++It's about escaping a multidimensional prison colony++ ... {{tvt name="ReTool" text="not that either."}}

It's about a larger than usual {{tvt name="RagtagBunchOfMisfits"}} from {{tvt name="AlternateHistory" text="alternate Universes"}}, trying to find their way home while fighting a powerful interdimensional corporation which has imprisoned them for reasons of its own.

That is, until it becomes something else again.


This series provides examples of

- {{tvt name="ActionGirl"}}: Jumapii. Although she's more of an Action Woman at 45.
- {{tvt name="ActionSurvivor"}}: Most main characters until Season 3, when the main cast is joined by Giovanni, a {{tvt name="WickedCultured"}} {{tvt name="Assassin"}}, and Mily, a near-{{tvt name="CrazyPrepared"}} {{tvt name="DisasterScavengers" text="Disaster Scavenger"}}.
- {{tvt name="ActualPacifist"}}: Ayela. She has gone as far as threaten Gao Chun with a gun, but it's uncertain if she'd ever have fired.
- {{tvt name="Anyone Can Die"}}: For a series that started out with very little violence, the body count sure has gone up since the end of Season 1. Now that they're even killing off main characters, who knows where it will end?
- {{tvt name="BlackDudeDiesFirst"}}: Whenever there's a battle, this trope seems to work. Jacques Artha in [[SicSemper009| episode 9]], Myo Obadele in [[SicSemper016| episode 16]], Matthau Bankole in [[SicSemper023| episode 23]]. Of course there are a lot of black people in the series but still. Interestingly, Leonid has been responsible for all these deaths (ordering the attack on Jacques Artha, sending Myo Obadele to his death, and leading the group where Matthau Bankole was shot).
- {{tvt name="BloodierAndGorier"}}: Since getting out of Coventry, things have been getting more and more violent.
- {{tvt name="CampGay"}}: Walter Huggel, whiny hairdresser
- {{tvt name="Chessmaster"}}: Everything that happens, happens because Mizida has planned it to happen. Except maybe {{color text="not managing to be on the first conveyor off Coventry" c="white"}}, and seeing how season 3 is turning out so far, maybe even that.
- {{tvt name="CompleteMonster"}}: Tukulti-Ninib is implied to have been this.
- {{tvt name="DidNotDoTheResearch"}}: Happens occasionally. Do not watch this for advice on how to survive a shipwreck or make bombs.
- {{tvt name="DisasterScavengers"}}: Schatzgräbers make their living in the ruined cities of Europe. Their timeline is not a happy place.
- {{tvt name="DisproportionateRetribution"}}: Discover something Infinity would like to keep secret, no matter how minor? You get sterilization, a memory wipe and a ticket to a primitive tropical village for the rest of your life!
- {{tvt name="FishOutOfTemporalWater" text="A School Of Fish Out Of Temporal Waters"}}: Pretty much the whole point.
- {{tvt name="Flashback"}}: Common in Season 1, not so common any more.
- {{tvt name="HideYourChildren"}}: Coventry had no children at all, since the people in it had been sterilized. Starting from season 3, we have seen some children.
- {{tvt name="Infodump"}}: The characters finding out stuff about Infinity tends to result in one of these.
- {{tvt name="LoadsAndLoadsOfCharacters"}}: You will need a scorecard to keep all the characters straight.
- {{tvt name="MechanicalMonster"}}: Tigris Mk II tiger-robot, complete with minigun and six legs.
- {{tvt name="MegaCorp"}}: Infinity Unlimited, apparently.
- {{tvt name="TheMultiverse"}}: All the parallel realities. So far we've only seen a few, but several dozen have been mentioned. These are all Alternate Histories, some more so than others.
- {{tvt name="NationalStereotypes"}}: Some averted, some subverted, many played very straight. Especially the Persians.
- {{tvt name="PenalColony"}}: Coventry. Maybe. Nobody really knows for sure, but this seems to be the leading theory
- {{tvt name="ReluctantRuler"}}: Julien and possibly Ayela too.
- {{tvt name="Retirony"}}: What do you expect to happen after the characters spend five minutes reminiscing about things they miss back home?
- {{tvt name="ReTool"}}: Every season so far has been completely different from the previous one. This is an intentional attempt by the producer to keep the series from getting stuck in a rut. {{tvt name="StatusQuoIsGod" text="Status Quo is definitely not god here."}}
- {{tvt name="SomedayThisWillComeInHandy"}}: Carefully examining the time machine way back in [[SicSemper001| "Echo Surveillance"]] is what makes it possible for Darya to operate one in [[SicSemper015| "Trust"]], nearly two seasons later.
- {{tvt name="ViewersAreGeniuses"}}: Some of the episodes are so densely written it's as if they're only meant to be understandable for the authors themselves
- {{tvt name="WhamEpisode"}}: [[SicSemper023| Episode 23]]. They killed {{color text="Leonid!" c="white"}} The bastards!
- {{tvt name="WouldntHitAGirl"}}: Even Giovanni, an immoral assassin who likes torture, has some standards.
- {{tvt name="WrenchWench"}}: Clavia
- {{tvt name="XanatosSpeedChess"}}: Leonid was a master of this.
- {{tvt name="YellowPeril"}}: Gao Chun, an inscrutable criminal mastermind / rebel leader

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Revision [1880]

Edited on 2011-07-14 07:43:11 by [dgGXWlbmMGslbmMbx]
<a href="">purchase viagra</a> 8565 <a href="">aciphex</a> 8723
<a href="">apcalis levitra viagra</a> >:-[ <a href="">viagra</a> 278

Revision [1879]

Edited on 2011-07-12 04:13:42 by [PTzmsQZB]
<a href="">apcalis levitra viagra</a> >:-[ <a href="">viagra</a> 278
Heck of a job there, it ablosutley helps me out.

Revision [1878]

Edited on 2011-07-09 15:32:29 by [vJxwvszXIPgZET]
Heck of a job there, it ablosutley helps me out.
Kewl you should come up with that. Execelnlt!

Revision [1877]

Edited on 2011-07-09 15:32:10 by [frwfMAhIkZw]
Kewl you should come up with that. Execelnlt!
Kudos to you! I hadn't thohugt of that!

Revision [1876]

Edited on 2011-07-08 16:16:03 by [FlFknOFJkBsSpb]
Kudos to you! I hadn't thohugt of that!
Now thatÂ’s sbtule! Great to hear from you.

Revision [1875]

Edited on 2011-07-08 06:54:16 by [nLRluaTaYlXHLPolxeZ]
Now thatÂ’s sbtule! Great to hear from you.
Wow! That's a rellay neat answer!

Revision [1874]

Edited on 2011-07-08 02:52:40 by [IoxSznSDGcaiPqv]
Wow! That's a rellay neat answer!
Great ariltce, thank you again for writing.

Revision [1873]

Edited on 2011-07-08 02:16:58 by [eZmPiTJYVTESUxUV]
Great ariltce, thank you again for writing.
====Sic Semper in [[http://| TVTropes]]====

>>You're welcome to edit this page. Yes, this means you.>>

Sic Semper is an RPG campaign pretending to be a low-budget science fiction TV series. It premiered in fall 2009 and is currently in its third season.

++It's about four people from year 2009 stuck in a prison colony called Coventry++ ... {{tvt name="LyingCreator" text="no."}}

++It's about escaping a multidimensional prison colony++ ... {{tvt name="ReTool" text="not that either."}}

It's about a larger than usual {{tvt name="RagtagBunchOfMisfits"}} from {{tvt name="AlternateHistory" text="alternate Universes"}}, trying to find their way home while fighting a powerful interdimensional corporation which has imprisoned them for reasons of its own.

That is, until it becomes something else again.


This series provides examples of

- {{tvt name="ActionGirl"}}: Jumapii. Although she's more of an Action Woman at 45.
- {{tvt name="ActionSurvivor"}}: Most main characters until Season 3, when the main cast is joined by Giovanni, a {{tvt name="WickedCultured"}} {{tvt name="Assassin"}}, and Mily, a near-{{tvt name="CrazyPrepared"}} {{tvt name="DisasterScavengers" text="Disaster Scavenger"}}.
- {{tvt name="ActualPacifist"}}: Ayela. She has gone as far as threaten Gao Chun with a gun, but it's uncertain if she'd ever have fired.
- {{tvt name="Anyone Can Die"}}: For a series that started out with very little violence, the body count sure has gone up since the end of Season 1. Now that they're even killing off main characters, who knows where it will end?
- {{tvt name="BlackDudeDiesFirst"}}: Whenever there's a battle, this trope seems to work. Jacques Artha in [[SicSemper009| episode 9]], Myo Obadele in [[SicSemper016| episode 16]], Matthau Bankole in [[SicSemper023| episode 23]]. Of course there are a lot of black people in the series but still. Interestingly, Leonid has been responsible for all these deaths (ordering the attack on Jacques Artha, sending Myo Obadele to his death, and leading the group where Matthau Bankole was shot).
- {{tvt name="BloodierAndGorier"}}: Since getting out of Coventry, things have been getting more and more violent.
- {{tvt name="CampGay"}}: Walter Huggel, whiny hairdresser
- {{tvt name="Chessmaster"}}: Everything that happens, happens because Mizida has planned it to happen. Except maybe {{color text="not managing to be on the first conveyor off Coventry" c="white"}}, and seeing how season 3 is turning out so far, maybe even that.
- {{tvt name="CompleteMonster"}}: Tukulti-Ninib is implied to have been this.
- {{tvt name="DidNotDoTheResearch"}}: Happens occasionally. Do not watch this for advice on how to survive a shipwreck or make bombs.
- {{tvt name="DisasterScavengers"}}: Schatzgräbers make their living in the ruined cities of Europe. Their timeline is not a happy place.
- {{tvt name="DisproportionateRetribution"}}: Discover something Infinity would like to keep secret, no matter how minor? You get sterilization, a memory wipe and a ticket to a primitive tropical village for the rest of your life!
- {{tvt name="FishOutOfTemporalWater" text="A School Of Fish Out Of Temporal Waters"}}: Pretty much the whole point.
- {{tvt name="Flashback"}}: Common in Season 1, not so common any more.
- {{tvt name="HideYourChildren"}}: Coventry had no children at all, since the people in it had been sterilized. Starting from season 3, we have seen some children.
- {{tvt name="Infodump"}}: The characters finding out stuff about Infinity tends to result in one of these.
- {{tvt name="LoadsAndLoadsOfCharacters"}}: You will need a scorecard to keep all the characters straight.
- {{tvt name="MechanicalMonster"}}: Tigris Mk II tiger-robot, complete with minigun and six legs.
- {{tvt name="MegaCorp"}}: Infinity Unlimited, apparently.
- {{tvt name="TheMultiverse"}}: All the parallel realities. So far we've only seen a few, but several dozen have been mentioned. These are all Alternate Histories, some more so than others.
- {{tvt name="NationalStereotypes"}}: Some averted, some subverted, many played very straight. Especially the Persians.
- {{tvt name="PenalColony"}}: Coventry. Maybe. Nobody really knows for sure, but this seems to be the leading theory
- {{tvt name="ReluctantRuler"}}: Julien and possibly Ayela too.
- {{tvt name="Retirony"}}: What do you expect to happen after the characters spend five minutes reminiscing about things they miss back home?
- {{tvt name="ReTool"}}: Every season so far has been completely different from the previous one. This is an intentional attempt by the producer to keep the series from getting stuck in a rut. {{tvt name="StatusQuoIsGod" text="Status Quo is definitely not god here."}}
- {{tvt name="SomedayThisWillComeInHandy"}}: Carefully examining the time machine way back in [[SicSemper001| "Echo Surveillance"]] is what makes it possible for Darya to operate one in [[SicSemper015| "Trust"]], nearly two seasons later.
- {{tvt name="ViewersAreGeniuses"}}: Some of the episodes are so densely written it's as if they're only meant to be understandable for the authors themselves
- {{tvt name="WhamEpisode"}}: [[SicSemper023| Episode 23]]. They killed {{color text="Leonid!" c="white"}} The bastards!
- {{tvt name="WouldntHitAGirl"}}: Even Giovanni, an immoral assassin who likes torture, has some standards.
- {{tvt name="WrenchWench"}}: Clavia
- {{tvt name="XanatosSpeedChess"}}: Leonid was a master of this.
- {{tvt name="YellowPeril"}}: Gao Chun, an inscrutable criminal mastermind / rebel leader


Revision [1872]

Edited on 2011-07-08 00:16:53 by MikePohjola [Restored older version.]
====Sic Semper in [[http://| TVTropes]]====

>>You're welcome to edit this page. Yes, this means you.>>

Sic Semper is an RPG campaign pretending to be a low-budget science fiction TV series. It premiered in fall 2009 and is currently in its third season.

++It's about four people from year 2009 stuck in a prison colony called Coventry++ ... {{tvt name="LyingCreator" text="no."}}

++It's about escaping a multidimensional prison colony++ ... {{tvt name="ReTool" text="not that either."}}

It's about a larger than usual {{tvt name="RagtagBunchOfMisfits"}} from {{tvt name="AlternateHistory" text="alternate Universes"}}, trying to find their way home while fighting a powerful interdimensional corporation which has imprisoned them for reasons of its own.

That is, until it becomes something else again.


This series provides examples of

- {{tvt name="ActionGirl"}}: Jumapii. Although she's more of an Action Woman at 45.
- {{tvt name="ActionSurvivor"}}: Most main characters until Season 3, when the main cast is joined by Giovanni, a {{tvt name="WickedCultured"}} {{tvt name="Assassin"}}, and Mily, a near-{{tvt name="CrazyPrepared"}} {{tvt name="DisasterScavengers" text="Disaster Scavenger"}}.
- {{tvt name="ActualPacifist"}}: Ayela. She has gone as far as threaten Gao Chun with a gun, but it's uncertain if she'd ever have fired.
- {{tvt name="Anyone Can Die"}}: For a series that started out with very little violence, the body count sure has gone up since the end of Season 1. Now that they're even killing off main characters, who knows where it will end?
- {{tvt name="BlackDudeDiesFirst"}}: Whenever there's a battle, this trope seems to work. Jacques Artha in [[SicSemper009| episode 9]], Myo Obadele in [[SicSemper016| episode 16]], Matthau Bankole in [[SicSemper023| episode 23]]. Of course there are a lot of black people in the series but still. Interestingly, Leonid has been responsible for all these deaths (ordering the attack on Jacques Artha, sending Myo Obadele to his death, and leading the group where Matthau Bankole was shot).
- {{tvt name="BloodierAndGorier"}}: Since getting out of Coventry, things have been getting more and more violent.
- {{tvt name="CampGay"}}: Walter Huggel, whiny hairdresser
- {{tvt name="Chessmaster"}}: Everything that happens, happens because Mizida has planned it to happen. Except maybe {{color text="not managing to be on the first conveyor off Coventry" c="white"}}, and seeing how season 3 is turning out so far, maybe even that.
- {{tvt name="CompleteMonster"}}: Tukulti-Ninib is implied to have been this.
- {{tvt name="DidNotDoTheResearch"}}: Happens occasionally. Do not watch this for advice on how to survive a shipwreck or make bombs.
- {{tvt name="DisasterScavengers"}}: Schatzgräbers make their living in the ruined cities of Europe. Their timeline is not a happy place.
- {{tvt name="DisproportionateRetribution"}}: Discover something Infinity would like to keep secret, no matter how minor? You get sterilization, a memory wipe and a ticket to a primitive tropical village for the rest of your life!
- {{tvt name="FishOutOfTemporalWater" text="A School Of Fish Out Of Temporal Waters"}}: Pretty much the whole point.
- {{tvt name="Flashback"}}: Common in Season 1, not so common any more.
- {{tvt name="HideYourChildren"}}: Coventry had no children at all, since the people in it had been sterilized. Starting from season 3, we have seen some children.
- {{tvt name="Infodump"}}: The characters finding out stuff about Infinity tends to result in one of these.
- {{tvt name="LoadsAndLoadsOfCharacters"}}: You will need a scorecard to keep all the characters straight.
- {{tvt name="MechanicalMonster"}}: Tigris Mk II tiger-robot, complete with minigun and six legs.
- {{tvt name="MegaCorp"}}: Infinity Unlimited, apparently.
- {{tvt name="TheMultiverse"}}: All the parallel realities. So far we've only seen a few, but several dozen have been mentioned. These are all Alternate Histories, some more so than others.
- {{tvt name="NationalStereotypes"}}: Some averted, some subverted, many played very straight. Especially the Persians.
- {{tvt name="PenalColony"}}: Coventry. Maybe. Nobody really knows for sure, but this seems to be the leading theory
- {{tvt name="ReluctantRuler"}}: Julien and possibly Ayela too.
- {{tvt name="Retirony"}}: What do you expect to happen after the characters spend five minutes reminiscing about things they miss back home?
- {{tvt name="ReTool"}}: Every season so far has been completely different from the previous one. This is an intentional attempt by the producer to keep the series from getting stuck in a rut. {{tvt name="StatusQuoIsGod" text="Status Quo is definitely not god here."}}
- {{tvt name="SomedayThisWillComeInHandy"}}: Carefully examining the time machine way back in [[SicSemper001| "Echo Surveillance"]] is what makes it possible for Darya to operate one in [[SicSemper015| "Trust"]], nearly two seasons later.
- {{tvt name="ViewersAreGeniuses"}}: Some of the episodes are so densely written it's as if they're only meant to be understandable for the authors themselves
- {{tvt name="WhamEpisode"}}: [[SicSemper023| Episode 23]]. They killed {{color text="Leonid!" c="white"}} The bastards!
- {{tvt name="WouldntHitAGirl"}}: Even Giovanni, an immoral assassin who likes torture, has some standards.
- {{tvt name="WrenchWench"}}: Clavia
- {{tvt name="XanatosSpeedChess"}}: Leonid was a master of this.
- {{tvt name="YellowPeril"}}: Gao Chun, an inscrutable criminal mastermind / rebel leader

Whoa, thgins just got a whole lot easier.

Revision [1871]

Edited on 2011-07-07 21:58:33 by [VfWgCacm]
Whoa, thgins just got a whole lot easier.
To think, I was confeusd a minute ago.

Revision [1870]

Edited on 2011-07-07 18:46:25 by [SrBbLFhxSuLVIuWPV]
To think, I was confeusd a minute ago.
So true. Honesty and eevrtyhing recognized.

Revision [1869]

Edited on 2011-07-06 15:55:16 by [aOaBNRBYjhqzDzFrF]
So true. Honesty and eevrtyhing recognized.
gFd8s1 <a href="">ftqiidoybhne</a>

Revision [1868]

Edited on 2011-07-06 14:38:53 by [OUynCDinHqgIz]
gFd8s1 <a href="">ftqiidoybhne</a>
Super jazezd about getting that know-how.

Revision [1867]

Edited on 2011-07-06 14:07:13 by [jWGTRcXsasmEhplA]
Super jazezd about getting that know-how.
Well done article that. I'll make sure to use it weisly.

Revision [1866]

Edited on 2011-07-06 13:01:15 by [YBvAUjlQ]
Well done article that. I'll make sure to use it weisly.
Thanks for sharing. What a pelsuare to read!

Revision [1865]

Edited on 2011-07-06 11:52:24 by [QTYxihlTVXGcLinQy]
Thanks for sharing. What a pelsuare to read!
Hey, that's the gereatst! So with ll this brain power AWHFY?

Revision [1864]

Edited on 2011-07-06 10:46:28 by [EtOXDmohWIcG]
Hey, that's the gereatst! So with ll this brain power AWHFY?
Your article was ecxelnlet and erudite.

Revision [1863]

Edited on 2011-07-06 09:51:32 by [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
Your article was ecxelnlet and erudite.
====Sic Semper in [[http://| TVTropes]]====

>>You're welcome to edit this page. Yes, this means you.>>

Sic Semper is an RPG campaign pretending to be a low-budget science fiction TV series. It premiered in fall 2009 and is currently in its third season.

++It's about four people from year 2009 stuck in a prison colony called Coventry++ ... {{tvt name="LyingCreator" text="no."}}

++It's about escaping a multidimensional prison colony++ ... {{tvt name="ReTool" text="not that either."}}

It's about a larger than usual {{tvt name="RagtagBunchOfMisfits"}} from {{tvt name="AlternateHistory" text="alternate Universes"}}, trying to find their way home while fighting a powerful interdimensional corporation which has imprisoned them for reasons of its own.

That is, until it becomes something else again.


This series provides examples of

- {{tvt name="ActionGirl"}}: Jumapii. Although she's more of an Action Woman at 45.
- {{tvt name="ActionSurvivor"}}: Most main characters until Season 3, when the main cast is joined by Giovanni, a {{tvt name="WickedCultured"}} {{tvt name="Assassin"}}, and Mily, a near-{{tvt name="CrazyPrepared"}} {{tvt name="DisasterScavengers" text="Disaster Scavenger"}}.
- {{tvt name="ActualPacifist"}}: Ayela. She has gone as far as threaten Gao Chun with a gun, but it's uncertain if she'd ever have fired.
- {{tvt name="Anyone Can Die"}}: For a series that started out with very little violence, the body count sure has gone up since the end of Season 1. Now that they're even killing off main characters, who knows where it will end?
- {{tvt name="BlackDudeDiesFirst"}}: Whenever there's a battle, this trope seems to work. Jacques Artha in [[SicSemper009| episode 9]], Myo Obadele in [[SicSemper016| episode 16]], Matthau Bankole in [[SicSemper023| episode 23]]. Of course there are a lot of black people in the series but still. Interestingly, Leonid has been responsible for all these deaths (ordering the attack on Jacques Artha, sending Myo Obadele to his death, and leading the group where Matthau Bankole was shot).
- {{tvt name="BloodierAndGorier"}}: Since getting out of Coventry, things have been getting more and more violent.
- {{tvt name="CampGay"}}: Walter Huggel, whiny hairdresser
- {{tvt name="Chessmaster"}}: Everything that happens, happens because Mizida has planned it to happen. Except maybe {{color text="not managing to be on the first conveyor off Coventry" c="white"}}, and seeing how season 3 is turning out so far, maybe even that.
- {{tvt name="CompleteMonster"}}: Tukulti-Ninib is implied to have been this.
- {{tvt name="DidNotDoTheResearch"}}: Happens occasionally. Do not watch this for advice on how to survive a shipwreck or make bombs.
- {{tvt name="DisasterScavengers"}}: Schatzgräbers make their living in the ruined cities of Europe. Their timeline is not a happy place.
- {{tvt name="DisproportionateRetribution"}}: Discover something Infinity would like to keep secret, no matter how minor? You get sterilization, a memory wipe and a ticket to a primitive tropical village for the rest of your life!
- {{tvt name="FishOutOfTemporalWater" text="A School Of Fish Out Of Temporal Waters"}}: Pretty much the whole point.
- {{tvt name="Flashback"}}: Common in Season 1, not so common any more.
- {{tvt name="HideYourChildren"}}: Coventry had no children at all, since the people in it had been sterilized. Starting from season 3, we have seen some children.
- {{tvt name="Infodump"}}: The characters finding out stuff about Infinity tends to result in one of these.
- {{tvt name="LoadsAndLoadsOfCharacters"}}: You will need a scorecard to keep all the characters straight.
- {{tvt name="MechanicalMonster"}}: Tigris Mk II tiger-robot, complete with minigun and six legs.
- {{tvt name="MegaCorp"}}: Infinity Unlimited, apparently.
- {{tvt name="TheMultiverse"}}: All the parallel realities. So far we've only seen a few, but several dozen have been mentioned. These are all Alternate Histories, some more so than others.
- {{tvt name="NationalStereotypes"}}: Some averted, some subverted, many played very straight. Especially the Persians.
- {{tvt name="PenalColony"}}: Coventry. Maybe. Nobody really knows for sure, but this seems to be the leading theory
- {{tvt name="ReluctantRuler"}}: Julien and possibly Ayela too.
- {{tvt name="Retirony"}}: What do you expect to happen after the characters spend five minutes reminiscing about things they miss back home?
- {{tvt name="ReTool"}}: Every season so far has been completely different from the previous one. This is an intentional attempt by the producer to keep the series from getting stuck in a rut. {{tvt name="StatusQuoIsGod" text="Status Quo is definitely not god here."}}
- {{tvt name="SomedayThisWillComeInHandy"}}: Carefully examining the time machine way back in [[SicSemper001| "Echo Surveillance"]] is what makes it possible for Darya to operate one in [[SicSemper015| "Trust"]], nearly two seasons later.
- {{tvt name="ViewersAreGeniuses"}}: Some of the episodes are so densely written it's as if they're only meant to be understandable for the authors themselves
- {{tvt name="WhamEpisode"}}: [[SicSemper023| Episode 23]]. They killed {{color text="Leonid!" c="white"}} The bastards!
- {{tvt name="WouldntHitAGirl"}}: Even Giovanni, an immoral assassin who likes torture, has some standards.
- {{tvt name="WrenchWench"}}: Clavia
- {{tvt name="XanatosSpeedChess"}}: Leonid was a master of this.
- {{tvt name="YellowPeril"}}: Gao Chun, an inscrutable criminal mastermind / rebel leader


Revision [1844]

Edited on 2011-06-13 12:16:07 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
It's about a larger than usual {{tvt name="RagtagBunchOfMisfits"}} from {{tvt name="AlternateHistory" text="alternate Universes"}}, trying to find their way home while fighting a powerful interdimensional corporation which has imprisoned them for reasons of its own.
- {{tvt name="BlackDudeDiesFirst"}}: Whenever there's a battle, this trope seems to work. Jacques Artha in [[SicSemper009| episode 9]], Myo Obadele in [[SicSemper016| episode 16]], Matthau Bankole in [[SicSemper023| episode 23]]. Of course there are a lot of black people in the series but still. Interestingly, Leonid has been responsible for all these deaths (ordering the attack on Jacques Artha, sending Myo Obadele to his death, and leading the group where Matthau Bankole was shot).
- {{tvt name="DidNotDoTheResearch"}}: Happens occasionally. Do not watch this for advice on how to survive a shipwreck or make bombs.
- {{tvt name="FishOutOfTemporalWater" text="A School Of Fish Out Of Temporal Waters"}}: Pretty much the whole point.
- {{tvt name="NationalStereotypes"}}: Some averted, some subverted, many played very straight. Especially the Persians.
- {{tvt name="SomedayThisWillComeInHandy"}}: Carefully examining the time machine way back in [[SicSemper001| "Echo Surveillance"]] is what makes it possible for Darya to operate one in [[SicSemper015| "Trust"]], nearly two seasons later.
It's about a larger than usual {{tvt name="RagtagBunchOfMisfits"}} from {{tvt name="AlternateHistory" text="alternate Universes"}}, trying to find their way home while fighting an overpowering interdimensional corporation which has imprisoned them for reasons of its own.
- {{tvt name="BlackDudeDiesFirst"}}: Whenever there's a fight, this trope seems to work. Jacques Artha in [[SicSemper009| episode 9]], Myo Obadele in [[SicSemper016| episode 16]], Matthau Bankole in [[SicSemper023| episode 23]]. Of course there are a lot of black people in the series but still. Interestingly, Leonid has been responsible for all these deaths (ordering the attack on Jacques Artha, sending Myo Obadele to his death, and leading the group where Matthau Bankole was shot).
- {{tvt name="DidNotDoTheResearch"}}: Happens occasionally. Do not watch this for advice on how to act when shipwrecked or make bombs.
- {{tvt name="FishOutOfTemporalWater"}}: Pretty much the whole point.
- {{tvt name="SomedayThisWillComeInHandy"}}: Carefully examining the time machine way back in [[SicSemper001| "Echo Surveillance"]] is what makes it possible for Darya to operate one in [[SicSemper015| "The Trust"]], nearly two seasons later.

Revision [1842]

Edited on 2011-06-13 10:08:42 by MikePohjola [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
- {{tvt name="BlackDudeDiesFirst"}}: Whenever there's a fight, this trope seems to work. Jacques Artha in [[SicSemper009| episode 9]], Myo Obadele in [[SicSemper016| episode 16]], Matthau Bankole in [[SicSemper023| episode 23]]. Of course there are a lot of black people in the series but still. Interestingly, Leonid has been responsible for all these deaths (ordering the attack on Jacques Artha, sending Myo Obadele to his death, and leading the group where Matthau Bankole was shot).
- {{tvt name="BlackDudeDiesFirst"}}: Whenever there's a fight, this trope seems to work. Jacques Artha in [[SicSemper009| episode 9]], Myo Obadele in [[SicSemper016| episode 16]], Matthau Bankole in [[SicSemper023| episode 23]]. Of course there are a lot of black people in the series but still.

Revision [1841]

Edited on 2011-06-10 10:24:10 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
++It's about escaping a multidimensional prison colony++ ... {{tvt name="ReTool" text="not that either."}}
- {{tvt name="ReTool"}}: Every season so far has been completely different from the previous one. This is an intentional attempt by the producer to keep the series from getting stuck in a rut. {{tvt name="StatusQuoIsGod" text="Status Quo is definitely not god here."}}
++It's about escaping a multidimensional prison colony++ ... {{tvt name="TheyChangedItNowItSucks" text="not that either."}}
- {{tvt name="JumpingTheShark"}}: Attempting an aversion. The producer has claimed that he hopes to make every season so completely different from the previous one that people who cannot abide change will just stop watching.
- {{tvt name="StatusQuoIsGod"}}: Averted hard. Everything is subject to change.

Revision [1839]

Edited on 2011-06-09 10:57:45 by [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
- {{tvt name="ViewersAreGeniuses"}}: Some of the episodes are so densely written it's as if they're only meant to be understandable for the authors themselves

Revision [1838]

Edited on 2011-06-09 10:37:09 by [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
- {{tvt name="DisasterScavengers"}}: Schatzgräbers make their living in the ruined cities of Europe. Their timeline is not a happy place.

Revision [1837]

Edited on 2011-06-09 10:33:07 by [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
- {{tvt name="SomedayThisWillComeInHandy"}}: Carefully examining the time machine way back in [[SicSemper001| "Echo Surveillance"]] is what makes it possible for Darya to operate one in [[SicSemper015| "The Trust"]], nearly two seasons later.

Revision [1835]

Edited on 2011-06-08 23:12:23 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
- {{tvt name="ActualPacifist"}}: Ayela. She has gone as far as threaten Gao Chun with a gun, but it's uncertain if she'd ever have fired.
- {{tvt name="Anyone Can Die"}}: For a series that started out with very little violence, the body count sure has gone up since the end of Season 1. Now that they're even killing off main characters, who knows where it will end?
- {{tvt name="BlackDudeDiesFirst"}}: Whenever there's a fight, this trope seems to work. Jacques Artha in [[SicSemper009| episode 9]], Myo Obadele in [[SicSemper016| episode 16]], Matthau Bankole in [[SicSemper023| episode 23]]. Of course there are a lot of black people in the series but still.
- {{tvt name="BloodierAndGorier"}}: Since getting out of Coventry, things have been getting more and more violent.
- {{tvt name="DisproportionateRetribution"}}: Discover something Infinity would like to keep secret, no matter how minor? You get sterilization, a memory wipe and a ticket to a primitive tropical village for the rest of your life!
- {{tvt name="Infodump"}}: The characters finding out stuff about Infinity tends to result in one of these.
- {{tvt name="YellowPeril"}}: Gao Chun, an inscrutable criminal mastermind / rebel leader
- {{tvt name="ActualPacifist"}}:Ayela. She has gone as far as threaten Gao Chun with a gun, but it's uncertain if she'd ever have fired.
- {{tvt name="Anyone Can Die"}}: For a series that started out with very little violence, the body count sure has gone up since the end of Season 1. Now they're even killing off main characters, who knows where it will end?
- {{tvt name="BloodierAndGorier"}}: Sic Semper was not particularily optimistic to begin with. Strangely, while the seasons after the first were more hopeful and less dark, they got way {{tvt name="SignatureStyle" text="more violent"}}.
- {{tvt name="YellowPeril"}}: Gao Chun, an inscrutable chinese criminal mastermind / rebel leader

Revision [1834]

Edited on 2011-06-08 18:04:35 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
- {{tvt name="PenalColony"}}: Coventry. Maybe. Nobody really knows for sure, but this seems to be the leading theory
- {{tvt name="PenalColony"}}: Coventry. Maybe. Nobody really knows for sure, but this seems to be the leading

Revision [1833]

Edited on 2011-06-08 17:04:08 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
- {{tvt name="FishOutOfTemporalWater"}}: Pretty much the whole point.
- {{tvt name="Retirony"}}: What do you expect to happen after the characters spend five minutes reminiscing about things they miss back home?

Revision [1832]

Edited on 2011-06-08 16:52:26 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
- {{tvt name="ActionGirl"}}: Jumapii. Although she's more of an Action Woman at 45.
- {{tvt name="ActionSurvivor"}}: Most main characters until Season 3, when the main cast is joined by Giovanni, a {{tvt name="WickedCultured"}} {{tvt name="Assassin"}}, and Mily, a near-{{tvt name="CrazyPrepared"}} {{tvt name="DisasterScavengers" text="Disaster Scavenger"}}.
- {{tvt name="ActualPacifist"}}:Ayela. She has gone as far as threaten Gao Chun with a gun, but it's uncertain if she'd ever have fired.
- {{tvt name="Anyone Can Die"}}: For a series that started out with very little violence, the body count sure has gone up since the end of Season 1. Now they're even killing off main characters, who knows where it will end?
- {{tvt name="BloodierAndGorier"}}: Sic Semper was not particularily optimistic to begin with. Strangely, while the seasons after the first were more hopeful and less dark, they got way {{tvt name="SignatureStyle" text="more violent"}}.
- {{tvt name="CampGay"}}: Walter Huggel, whiny hairdresser
- {{tvt name="Chessmaster"}}: Everything that happens, happens because Mizida has planned it to happen. Except maybe {{color text="not managing to be on the first conveyor off Coventry" c="white"}}, and seeing how season 3 is turning out so far, maybe even that.
- {{tvt name="CompleteMonster"}}: Tukulti-Ninib is implied to have been this.
- {{tvt name="DidNotDoTheResearch"}}: Happens occasionally. Do not watch this for advice on how to act when shipwrecked or make bombs.
- {{tvt name="Flashback"}}: Common in Season 1, not so common any more.
- {{tvt name="HideYourChildren"}}: Coventry had no children at all, since the people in it had been sterilized. Starting from season 3, we have seen some children.
- {{tvt name="JumpingTheShark"}}: Attempting an aversion. The producer has claimed that he hopes to make every season so completely different from the previous one that people who cannot abide change will just stop watching.
- {{tvt name="LoadsAndLoadsOfCharacters"}}: You will need a scorecard to keep all the characters straight.
- {{tvt name="MechanicalMonster"}}: Tigris Mk II tiger-robot, complete with minigun and six legs.
- {{tvt name="MegaCorp"}}: Infinity Unlimited, apparently.
- {{tvt name="TheMultiverse"}}: All the parallel realities. So far we've only seen a few, but several dozen have been mentioned. These are all Alternate Histories, some more so than others.
- {{tvt name="PenalColony"}}: Coventry. Maybe. Nobody really knows for sure, but this seems to be the leading
- {{tvt name="ReluctantRuler"}}: Julien and possibly Ayela too.
- {{tvt name="StatusQuoIsGod"}}: Averted hard. Everything is subject to change.
- {{tvt name="WhamEpisode"}}: [[SicSemper023| Episode 23]]. They killed {{color text="Leonid!" c="white"}} The bastards!
- {{tvt name="WouldntHitAGirl"}}: Even Giovanni, an immoral assassin who likes torture, has some standards.
- {{tvt name="WrenchWench"}}: Clavia
- {{tvt name="XanatosSpeedChess"}}: Leonid was a master of this.
- {{tvt name="YellowPeril"}}: Gao Chun, an inscrutable chinese criminal mastermind / rebel leader
{{tvt name="ActionGirl"}}: Jumapii. Although she's more of an Action Woman at 45.
{{tvt name="ActionSurvivor"}}: Most main characters until Season 3, when the main cast is joined by Giovanni, a {{tvt name="WickedCultured"}} {{tvt name="Assassin"}}, and Mily, a near-{{tvt name="CrazyPrepared"}} {{tvt name="DisasterScavengers" text="Disaster Scavenger"}}.
{{tvt name="ActualPacifist"}}:Ayela. She has gone as far as threaten Gao Chun with a gun, but it's uncertain if she'd ever have fired.
{{tvt name="Anyone Can Die"}}: For a series that started out with very little violence, the body count sure has gone up since the end of Season 1. Now they're even killing off main characters, who knows where it will end?
{{tvt name="BloodierAndGorier"}}: Sic Semper was not particularily optimistic to begin with. Strangely, while the seasons after the first were more hopeful and less dark, they got way {{tvt name="SignatureStyle" text="more violent"}}.
{{tvt name="CampGay"}}: Walter Huggel, whiny hairdresser
{{tvt name="Chessmaster"}}: Everything that happens, happens because Mizida has planned it to happen. Except maybe {{color text="not managing to be on the first conveyor off Coventry" c="white"}}, and seeing how season 3 is turning out so far, maybe even that.
{{tvt name="CompleteMonster"}}: Tukulti-Ninib is implied to have been this.
{{tvt name="DidNotDoTheResearch"}}: Happens occasionally. Do not watch this for advice on how to act when shipwrecked or make bombs.
{{tvt name="Flashback"}}: Common in Season 1, not so common any more.
{{tvt name="HideYourChildren"}}: Coventry had no children at all, since the people in it had been sterilized. Starting from season 3, we have seen some children.
{{tvt name="JumpingTheShark"}}: Attempting an aversion. The producer has claimed that he hopes to make every season so completely different from the previous one that people who cannot abide change will just stop watching.
{{tvt name="LoadsAndLoadsOfCharacters"}}: You will need a scorecard to keep all the characters straight.
{{tvt name="MechanicalMonster"}}: Tigris Mk II tiger-robot, complete with minigun and six legs.
{{tvt name="MegaCorp"}}: Infinity Unlimited, apparently.
{{tvt name="TheMultiverse"}}: All the parallel realities. So far we've only seen a few, but several dozen have been mentioned. These are all Alternate Histories, some more so than others.
{{tvt name="PenalColony"}}: Coventry. Maybe. Nobody really knows for sure, but this seems to be the leading
{{tvt name="ReluctantRuler"}}: Julien and possibly Ayela too.
{{tvt name="StatusQuoIsGod"}}: Averted hard. Everything is subject to change.
{{tvt name="WhamEpisode"}}: [[SicSemper023| Episode 23]]. They killed {{color text="Leonid!" c="white"}} The bastards!
{{tvt name="WouldntHitAGirl"}}: Even Giovanni, an immoral assassin who likes torture, has some standards.
{{tvt name="WrenchWench"}}: Clavia
{{tvt name="XanatosSpeedChess"}}: Leonid was a master of this.
{{tvt name="YellowPeril"}}: Gao Chun, an inscrutable chinese criminal mastermind / rebel leader

Revision [1831]

Edited on 2011-06-08 16:24:02 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
{{tvt name="ReluctantRuler"}}: Julien and possibly Ayela too.

Revision [1830]

Edited on 2011-06-08 16:22:51 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
{{tvt name="BloodierAndGorier"}}: Sic Semper was not particularily optimistic to begin with. Strangely, while the seasons after the first were more hopeful and less dark, they got way {{tvt name="SignatureStyle" text="more violent"}}.

Revision [1828]

Edited on 2011-06-08 16:15:41 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
{{tvt name="MechanicalMonster"}}: Tigris Mk II tiger-robot, complete with minigun and six legs.
{{tvt name="PenalColony"}}: Coventry. Maybe. Nobody really knows for sure, but this seems to be the leading
{{tvt name="PenalColony"}}: Coventry. Maybe. Nobody really knows for sure, but this seems to be the leading theory.

Revision [1827]

Edited on 2011-06-08 16:09:17 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
{{tvt name="ActionGirl"}}: Jumapii. Although she's more of an Action Woman at 45.
{{tvt name="CompleteMonster"}}: Tukulti-Ninib is implied to have been this.
{{tvt name="XanatosSpeedChess"}}: Leonid was a master of this.
{{tvt name="CompleteMonster"}}: Tukulti-Ninib is implied to be this.
{{tvt name="XanatosSpeedChess"}}: Leonid was a master of this. Too bad he and Mizida never had a real contest, except for a brief moment in season 1.

Revision [1826]

Edited on 2011-06-08 16:01:56 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
It's about a larger than usual {{tvt name="RagtagBunchOfMisfits"}} from {{tvt name="AlternateHistory" text="alternate Universes"}}, trying to find their way home while fighting an overpowering interdimensional corporation which has imprisoned them for reasons of its own.
It's about a larger than usual Ragged Bunch of Misfits from Alternate Universes, trying to find their way home while fighting an overpowering interdimensional corporation which has imprisoned them for reasons of its own.

Revision [1825]

Edited on 2011-06-08 16:00:16 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
++It's about four people from year 2009 stuck in a prison colony called Coventry++ ... {{tvt name="LyingCreator" text="no."}}
++It's about escaping a multidimensional prison colony++ ... {{tvt name="TheyChangedItNowItSucks" text="not that either."}}
++It's about four people from year 2009 stuck in a prison colony called Coventry++ ... no.
++It's about escaping a multidimensional prison colony++ ... not that either.

Revision [1824]

Edited on 2011-06-08 15:59:08 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
{{tvt name="ActionSurvivor"}}: Most main characters until Season 3, when the main cast is joined by Giovanni, a {{tvt name="WickedCultured"}} {{tvt name="Assassin"}}, and Mily, a near-{{tvt name="CrazyPrepared"}} {{tvt name="DisasterScavengers" text="Disaster Scavenger"}}.
{{tvt name="ActionSurvivor"}}: Most main characters until Season 3, when the main cast is joined by Giovanni, a {{tvt name="WickedCultured"}} {{tvt name="Assassin"}}, and Mily, a near-{{tvt name="CrazyPrepared"}} {{tvt name="DisasterScavenger"}}.

Revision [1823]

Edited on 2011-06-08 15:54:22 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
{{tvt name="ActionSurvivor"}}: Most main characters until Season 3, when the main cast is joined by Giovanni, a {{tvt name="WickedCultured"}} {{tvt name="Assassin"}}, and Mily, a near-{{tvt name="CrazyPrepared"}} {{tvt name="DisasterScavenger"}}.
{{tvt name="ActualPacifist"}}:Ayela. She has gone as far as threaten Gao Chun with a gun, but it's uncertain if she'd ever have fired.
{{tvt name="Anyone Can Die"}}: For a series that started out with very little violence, the body count sure has gone up since the end of Season 1. Now they're even killing off main characters, who knows where it will end?
{{tvt name="CampGay"}}: Walter Huggel, whiny hairdresser
{{tvt name="Chessmaster"}}: Everything that happens, happens because Mizida has planned it to happen. Except maybe {{color text="not managing to be on the first conveyor off Coventry" c="white"}}, and seeing how season 3 is turning out so far, maybe even that.
{{tvt name="CompleteMonster"}}: Tukulti-Ninib is implied to be this.
{{tvt name="DidNotDoTheResearch"}}: Happens occasionally. Do not watch this for advice on how to act when shipwrecked or make bombs.
{{tvt name="Flashback"}}: Common in Season 1, not so common any more.
{{tvt name="HideYourChildren"}}: Coventry had no children at all, since the people in it had been sterilized. Starting from season 3, we have seen some children.
{{tvt name="JumpingTheShark"}}: Attempting an aversion. The producer has claimed that he hopes to make every season so completely different from the previous one that people who cannot abide change will just stop watching.
{{tvt name="LoadsAndLoadsOfCharacters"}}: You will need a scorecard to keep all the characters straight.
{{tvt name="MegaCorp"}}: Infinity Unlimited, apparently.
{{tvt name="TheMultiverse"}}: All the parallel realities. So far we've only seen a few, but several dozen have been mentioned. These are all Alternate Histories, some more so than others.
{{tvt name="PenalColony"}}: Coventry. Maybe. Nobody really knows for sure, but this seems to be the leading theory.
{{tvt name="StatusQuoIsGod"}}: Averted hard. Everything is subject to change.
{{tvt name="WhamEpisode"}}: [[SicSemper023| Episode 23]]. They killed {{color text="Leonid!" c="white"}} The bastards!
{{tvt name="WouldntHitAGirl"}}: Even Giovanni, an immoral assassin who likes torture, has some standards.
{{tvt name="WrenchWench"}}: Clavia
{{tvt name="XanatosSpeedChess"}}: Leonid was a master of this. Too bad he and Mizida never had a real contest, except for a brief moment in season 1.
{{tvt name="YellowPeril"}}: Gao Chun, an inscrutable chinese criminal mastermind / rebel leader
{{tvt name="ActionSurvivor"}} Most main characters until Season 3, when the main cast is joined by Giovanni, a {{tvt name="WickedCultured"}} {{tvt name="Assassin"}}, and Mily, a near-{{tvt name="CrazyPrepared"}} {{tvt name="Disaste Scavenger"}}.
{{tvt name="ActualPacifist"}}Ayela. She has gone as far as threaten Gao Chun with a gun, but it's uncertain if she'd ever have fired.
{{tvt name="Anyone Can Die"}}For a series that started out with very little violence, the body count sure has gone up since the end of Season 1. Now they're even killing off main characters, who knows where it will end?
{{tvt name="CampGay"}}Walter Huggel, whiny hairdresser
{{tvt name="Chessmaster"}}Everything that happens, happens because Mizida has planned it to happen. Except maybe {{color text="not managing to be on the first conveyor off Coventry" c="white"}}, and seeing how season 3 is turning out so far, maybe even that.
{{tvt name="CompleteMonster"}}Tukulti-Ninib is implied to be this.
{{tvt name="DidNotDoTheResearch"}}Happens occasionally. Do not watch this for advice on how to act when shipwrecked or make bombs.
{{tvt name="Flashback"}}Common in Season 1, not so common any more.
{{tvt name="HideYourChildren"}}Coventry had no children at all, since the people in it had been sterilized. Starting from season 3, we have seen some children.
{{tvt name="JumpingTheShark"}}Attempting an aversion. The producer has claimed that he hopes to make every season so completely different from the previous one that people who cannot abide change will just stop watching.
{{tvt name="LoadsAndLoadsOfCharacters"}}You will need a scorecard to keep all the characters straight.
{{tvt name="MegaCorp"}}Infinity Unlimited, apparently.
{{tvt name="TheMultiverse"}}All the parallel realities. So far we've only seen a few, but several dozen have been mentioned. These are all Alternate Histories, some more so than others.
{{tvt name="PenalColony"}}Coventry. Maybe. Nobody really knows for sure, but this seems to be the leading theory.
{{tvt name="StatusQuoIsGod"}}Averted hard. Everything is subject to change.
{{tvt name="WhamEpisode"}}[[SicSemper023| Episode 23]]. They killed {{color text="Leonid!" c="white"}} The bastards!
{{tvt name="WouldntHitAGirl"}}Even Giovanni, an immoral assassin who likes torture, has some standards.
{{tvt name="WrenchWench"}}Clavia
{{tvt name="XanatosSpeedChess"}}Leonid turned out to be a master of this. Too bad he and Mizida never had a real contest, except for a brief moment in season 1.
{{tvt name="YellowPeril"}}Gao Chun, an inscrutable chinese criminal mastermind / rebel leader

Revision [1822]

Edited on 2011-06-08 15:50:07 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
{{tvt name="ActionSurvivor"}} Most main characters until Season 3, when the main cast is joined by Giovanni, a {{tvt name="WickedCultured"}} {{tvt name="Assassin"}}, and Mily, a near-{{tvt name="CrazyPrepared"}} {{tvt name="Disaste Scavenger"}}.
{{tvt name="ActionSurvivor"}} Most main characters until Season 3, when the main cast is joined by Giovanni, a Wicked Cultured Assassin, and Mily, a near-Crazy Prepared Disaster Scavenger.

Revision [1821]

Edited on 2011-06-08 15:48:55 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
{{tvt name="WhamEpisode"}}[[SicSemper023| Episode 23]]. They killed {{color text="Leonid!" c="white"}} The bastards!
{{tvt name="TTVVFF""}} foo
{{tvt name="WhamEpisode"}}[[SicSemper023| Episode 23]]. They killed {{color text="Leonid???" c="white"}}

Revision [1820]

Edited on 2011-06-08 15:48:23 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
{{tvt name="TTVVFF""}} foo
{{tvt name="MegaCorp"}}Infinity Unlimited, apparently.
{{tvt name="TheMultiverse"}}All the parallel realities. So far we've only seen a few, but several dozen have been mentioned. These are all Alternate Histories, some more so than others.
{{tvt name="MegaCorp}}"Infinity Unlimited, apparently.
{{tvt name="TheMultiverse}}All the parallel realities. So far we've only seen a few, but several dozen have been mentioned. These are all Alternate Histories, some more so than others.

Revision [1819]

Edited on 2011-06-08 15:17:21 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
{{tvt name="CompleteMonster"}}Tukulti-Ninib is implied to be this.
{{tvt name="DidNotDoTheResearch"}}Happens occasionally. Do not watch this for advice on how to act when shipwrecked or make bombs.
{{tvt name="Flashback"}}Common in Season 1, not so common any more.
{{tvt name="HideYourChildren"}}Coventry had no children at all, since the people in it had been sterilized. Starting from season 3, we have seen some children.
{{tvt name="JumpingTheShark"}}Attempting an aversion. The producer has claimed that he hopes to make every season so completely different from the previous one that people who cannot abide change will just stop watching.
{{tvt name="LoadsAndLoadsOfCharacters"}}You will need a scorecard to keep all the characters straight.
{{tvt name="MegaCorp}}"Infinity Unlimited, apparently.
{{tvt name="TheMultiverse}}All the parallel realities. So far we've only seen a few, but several dozen have been mentioned. These are all Alternate Histories, some more so than others.
{{tvt name="PenalColony"}}Coventry. Maybe. Nobody really knows for sure, but this seems to be the leading theory.
{{tvt name="StatusQuoIsGod"}}Averted hard. Everything is subject to change.
{{tvt name="WhamEpisode"}}[[SicSemper023| Episode 23]]. They killed {{color text="Leonid???" c="white"}}
{{tvt name="WouldntHitAGirl"}}Even Giovanni, an immoral assassin who likes torture, has some standards.
{{tvt name="WrenchWench"}}Clavia
{{tvt name="XanatosSpeedChess"}}Leonid turned out to be a master of this. Too bad he and Mizida never had a real contest, except for a brief moment in season 1.
{{tvt name="YellowPeril"}}Gao Chun, an inscrutable chinese criminal mastermind / rebel leader
Complete Monster: Tukulti-Ninib is implied to be this.
Did Not Do The Research: Happens occasionally. Do not watch this for advice on how to act when shipwrecked or make bombs.
Flashback: Common in Season 1, not so common any more.
Hide Your Children: Coventry had no children at all, since the people in it had been sterilized. Starting from season 3, we have seen some children.
Jumping The Shark: Attempting an aversion. The producer has claimed that he hopes to make every season so completely different from the previous one that people who cannot abide change will just stop watching.
Loads and Loads of Characters: You will need a scorecard to keep all the characters straight.
Mega Corp: Infinity Unlimited, apparently.
The Multiverse: All the parallel realities. So far we've only seen a few, but several dozen have been mentioned. These are all Alternate Histories, some more so than others.
Penal Colony: Coventry. Maybe. Nobody really knows for sure, but this seems to be the leading theory.
Status Quo Is God: Averted hard. Everything is subject to change.
Wham Episode: [[SicSemper023| Episode 23]]. They killed {{color text="Leonid???" c="white"}}
Wouldn't Hit A Girl: Even Giovanni, an immoral assassin who likes torture, has some standards.
Wrench Wench: Clavia
Xanatos Speed Chess: Leonid turned out to be a master of this. Too bad he and Mizida never had a real contest, except for a brief moment in season 1.
Yellow Peril: Gao Chun, an inscrutable chinese criminal mastermind / rebel leader

Revision [1818]

Edited on 2011-06-08 15:14:16 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
{{tvt name="ActualPacifist"}}Ayela. She has gone as far as threaten Gao Chun with a gun, but it's uncertain if she'd ever have fired.
{{tvt name="Anyone Can Die"}}For a series that started out with very little violence, the body count sure has gone up since the end of Season 1. Now they're even killing off main characters, who knows where it will end?
{{tvt name="CampGay"}}Walter Huggel, whiny hairdresser
{{tvt name="Chessmaster"}}Everything that happens, happens because Mizida has planned it to happen. Except maybe {{color text="not managing to be on the first conveyor off Coventry" c="white"}}, and seeing how season 3 is turning out so far, maybe even that.
Actual Pacifist: Ayela. She has gone as far as threaten Gao Chun with a gun, but it's uncertain if she'd ever have fired.
Anyone Can Die: For a series that started out with very little violence, the body count sure has gone up since the end of Season 1. Now they're even killing off main characters, who knows where it will end?
Camp Gay: Walter Huggel, whiny hairdresser
Chessmaster: Everything that happens, happens because Mizida has planned it to happen. Except maybe {{color text="not managing to be on the first conveyor off Coventry" c="white"}}, and seeing how season 3 is turning out so far, maybe even that.

Revision [1817]

Edited on 2011-06-08 15:10:13 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
{{tvt name="ActionSurvivor"}} Most main characters until Season 3, when the main cast is joined by Giovanni, a Wicked Cultured Assassin, and Mily, a near-Crazy Prepared Disaster Scavenger.
Action Survivor: Most main characters until Season 3, when the main cast is joined by Giovanni, a Wicked Cultured Assassin, and Mily, a near-Crazy Prepared Disaster Scavenger.

Revision [1816]

Edited on 2011-06-08 14:59:50 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
Action Survivor: Most main characters until Season 3, when the main cast is joined by Giovanni, a Wicked Cultured Assassin, and Mily, a near-Crazy Prepared Disaster Scavenger.
Yellow Peril: Gao Chun, an inscrutable chinese criminal mastermind / rebel leader

Revision [1815]

Edited on 2011-06-08 14:48:11 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
The Multiverse: All the parallel realities. So far we've only seen a few, but several dozen have been mentioned. These are all Alternate Histories, some more so than others.
The Multiverse: All the parallel realities. So far we've only seen a few, but several dozen have been mentioned.

Revision [1814]

Edited on 2011-06-08 14:45:12 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
Mega Corp: Infinity Unlimited, apparently.
MegaCorp: Infinity Unlimited, apparently.

Revision [1813]

Edited on 2011-06-08 14:45:02 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
MegaCorp: Infinity Unlimited, apparently.

Revision [1812]

Edited on 2011-06-08 14:40:38 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
Loads and Loads of Characters: You will need a scorecard to keep all the characters straight.

Revision [1811]

Edited on 2011-06-08 14:38:48 by [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
>>You're welcome to edit this page. Yes, this means you.>>

Revision [1810]

Edited on 2011-06-08 14:37:31 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
Wouldn't Hit A Girl: Even Giovanni, an immoral assassin who likes torture, has some standards.

Revision [1809]

Edited on 2011-06-08 14:35:27 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
Chessmaster: Everything that happens, happens because Mizida has planned it to happen. Except maybe {{color text="not managing to be on the first conveyor off Coventry" c="white"}}, and seeing how season 3 is turning out so far, maybe even that.
Wham Episode: [[SicSemper023| Episode 23]]. They killed {{color text="Leonid???" c="white"}}
Chessmaster: Everything that happens, happens because Mizida has planned it to happen. Except maybe not managing to be on the first conveyor off Coventry, and seeing how season 3 is turning out so far, maybe even that.
Wham Episode: [[SicSemper| 023 Episode 23]]. They killed {{color text="Leonid???" c="white"}}

Revision [1808]

Edited on 2011-06-08 14:34:36 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
Penal Colony: Coventry. Maybe. Nobody really knows for sure, but this seems to be the leading theory.
Wham Episode: [[SicSemper| 023 Episode 23]]. They killed {{color text="Leonid???" c="white"}}

Revision [1807]

Edited on 2011-06-08 14:31:32 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
Did Not Do The Research: Happens occasionally. Do not watch this for advice on how to act when shipwrecked or make bombs.

Revision [1806]

Edited on 2011-06-08 14:27:52 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
Actual Pacifist: Ayela. She has gone as far as threaten Gao Chun with a gun, but it's uncertain if she'd ever have fired.
Chessmaster: Everything that happens, happens because Mizida has planned it to happen. Except maybe not managing to be on the first conveyor off Coventry, and seeing how season 3 is turning out so far, maybe even that.
Flashback: Common in Season 1, not so common any more.
The Multiverse: All the parallel realities. So far we've only seen a few, but several dozen have been mentioned.
Wrench Wench: Clavia
Xanatos Speed Chess: Leonid turned out to be a master of this. Too bad he and Mizida never had a real contest, except for a brief moment in season 1.
Chessmaster: Mizida has so planned everything.

Revision [1805]

Edited on 2011-06-08 14:17:34 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
Chessmaster: Mizida has so planned everything.

Revision [1804]

Edited on 2011-06-08 14:15:55 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
Anyone Can Die: For a series that started out with very little violence, the body count sure has gone up since the end of Season 1. Now they're even killing off main characters, who knows where it will end?
Camp Gay: Walter Huggel, whiny hairdresser
Complete Monster: Tukulti-Ninib is implied to be this.
Hide Your Children: Coventry had no children at all, since the people in it had been sterilized. Starting from season 3, we have seen some children.
Jumping The Shark: Attempting an aversion. The producer has claimed that he hopes to make every season so completely different from the previous one that people who cannot abide change will just stop watching.
Jumping The Shark: The producer has claimed that he hopes to avert this by making every season so completely different from the previous one that people who cannot abide change will just stop watching.

Revision [1803]

Edited on 2011-06-08 14:11:43 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
====Sic Semper in [[http://| TVTropes]]====
====Sic Semper in TVTropes====
[[http://| TV Tropes]]

Revision [1802]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2011-06-08 14:11:01 by AdminDare [zhqnzdpyVSdgewf]
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