Revision [2025]

This is an old revision of Tropes made by AdminDare on 2011-09-18 11:11:29.


Sic Semper in TVTropes

Sorry, this page is no longer editable by fans -- too many spambots.

Sic Semper is an RPG campaign pretending to be a low-budget science fiction TV series. It premiered in fall 2009 and is currently in its third season.

It's about four people from year 2009 stuck in a prison colony called Coventry ... no.

It's about escaping a multidimensional prison colony ... not that either.

It's about a larger than usual Ragtag Bunch Of Misfits from alternate Universes, trying to find their way home while fighting a powerful interdimensional corporation which has imprisoned them for reasons of its own.

That is, until it becomes something else again.

This series provides examples of

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